LGBTQIA+ friendly laboratory

Assisted Reproduction

Our treatments

In Assisted Reproduction, each case is treated individually. Therefore, at Chedid Grieco, we thoroughly analyze our patients before making a diagnosis and deciding on the application of a specific treatment.

Artificial insemination

What is it?

Artificial insemination is a simple technique that consists of depositing sperm inside the uterine cavity. In this way, we seek to reduce the distance that separates the egg and sperm and facilitate the meeting of the two.

Who is it suitable for?

  • Cases of sterility of unknown origin.
  • Cases in which the woman does not ovulate normally or presents characteristics that make it difficult for sperm to survive.
  • Cases of changes in the cervix.
  • Cases in which the man presents small defects in the sperm in relation to concentration or mobility. Or suffer from some genital anomaly that prevents coitus or makes ejaculation difficult.

In vitro fertilization

What is it?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) consists of the union of the egg with the sperm in the laboratory in vitro with the aim of obtaining a number of embryos to transfer to the mother’s uterus.

Egg insemination can be carried out using the conventional IVF technique or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), the latter indicated in cases of severe male sterility factor.

Who is it Suitable for?

  • Patients with previous failed Artificial Insemination attempts.
  • Women with missing or damaged tubes.
  • Women with endometriosis.
  • Fertilization with previously vitrified eggs.
  • Ovulatory and immunological disorders.
  • Cases of severe male infertility.

IVF with Egg Donation

What is it?

IVF with egg donation is a process through which a donor delivers her eggs, which, together with the couple’s sperm, are transferred to the recipient of the treatment who wishes to fulfill her desire to become a mother. Egg donation enables the miracle of life for women who would otherwise be unable to have children.

Recipient women must take a medication that provides the capacity for their uterus to receive the implantation of transferred embryos, and while the donation is arranged, the patient is accompanied by  Chedid Grieco to carry out the process.

Who is it Suitable for?

Women with ovarian disorders, without spontaneous menstruation as a result of menopause, with early ovarian failure, or who have undergone ovarian surgery.

Women whose ovarian function does not allow them to use their own eggs, either due to their poor quality or due to hereditary diseases transmittable to offspring, which cannot be detected through Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (DPI) techniques.

Women with repeated in vitro fertilization failures:

  • Low responders: who do not respond to ovarian stimulation.
  • Fertilization failure on repeated occasions with ICSI.
  • Repeated failure to implant embryos (repeated pregnancy failure)

Other cases in which it is recommended to receive donated eggs are when the woman has ovaries that are inaccessible for obtaining eggs, has suffered repeated miscarriages, when chromosomal changes are observed in the woman or in the embryos, women over 40 years of age with chances of pregnancy very reduced, or with a high risk of Down Syndrome, among others.


What is it?

Fertility preservation is a treatment that offers the possibility of postponing motherhood to all women who so wish.

Who is it Suitable for?

Patients with illnesses:  An important group of patients diagnosed with cancer need to resort to this technique before receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment, autoimmune diseases that require chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants, or those at risk of repeated ovarian surgery, such as endometriosis.

Women who decide to plan late motherhood for social reasons,  other priorities, or economic factors believe that it is unfeasible to be mothers at the moment in their life but want to guarantee the quality of their eggs before they age.

There are two Preserving Techniques:

Egg vitrification:  allows mature eggs obtained through ovarian stimulation to be cryopreserved for later use, maintaining the fertility status existing at the time of vitrification for when the patient decides to use it. The vitrification technique allows for excellent results when thawing (97% survival).

Cryopreservation of the ovarian cortex:  allows the reestablishment of ovarian function, including the possibility of achieving spontaneous pregnancies. It consists of the extraction through laparoscopic surgery of the cortex of one of the ovaries to be frozen.

Our techniques

Chedid Grieco was a pioneer in introducing new reproduction techniques and developing technologies that allowed the birth of babies free of their parents’ hereditary diseases.


What is it?

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an assisted reproduction technique within IVF treatment that has allowed successful pregnancy to be achieved in cases of severe male sterility factor. Through ICSI, the man provides a semen sample or a testicular biopsy is performed, in more serious cases, with the aim of extracting and selecting the best sperm that will be used to fertilize the egg.

ICSI allows the direct union of the egg and sperm, facilitating fertilization. Sperm with low mobility or poor morphology have greater difficulty fertilizing the egg naturally or using the classic IVF technique.

Who is it Suitable for?

  • Men with a low number of sperm, mobility problems or poor sperm morphology.
  • Men who have had a vasectomy.
  • Infectious disease or infertility due to immunological causes.
  • Difficulty ejaculating under normal conditions, as occurs in retrograde ejaculation (neurological problems, diabetes,…)
  • Cases of cryopreserved samples from men who were vasectomized or underwent radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment.
  • Other factors: repeated failures after several IVF and AI cycles, low number of eggs after a puncture, or when it is necessary to identify healthy embryos in the case of ILD.


What is it?

The embryoscope is an advanced incubator that allows you to observe the embryo minute by minute from the moment of in vitro fertilization until the day of transfer to the uterus. This new technique makes it possible to obtain a large amount of precise and objective information from each embryo that, before its existence, was impossible to record.

Thanks to the embryoscope, we learn about new aspects of embryos in a non-invasive way, as it avoids removing the embryo from the incubator to evaluate its development, improving selection criteria and, consequently, the possibility of pregnancy.

The advantages compared to other incubators:

  • Improve embryonic selection.
  • Improve cultivation conditions and embryo handling.
  • It offers more information about the embryo to future parents.
  • It offers a cinematic record of the clinical beginnings of the future baby.

In our assisted reproduction clinic you can perform this procedure. find out! Contact us here or give us a call at 305-912-0050.

World-Class Fertility Solutions At Chedid Grieco

At Chedid Grieco, we offer over 30 years of expertise in customized fertility treatments designed to meet your unique needs. For patients traveling from Miami to our clinic in Brazil, we provide significant cost savings without compromising on the quality of care. In addition to high-quality fertility services, Miami patients can benefit from travel perks and personalized support throughout their journey. Learn more about these advantages on our fertility tourism page. Our clinic is FDA- and NYDH-licensed, and we are proud to have helped bring nearly 9,000 babies into the world. We are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way, offering transparency, compassion, and legal expertise, especially for LGBTQI+ families. Contact us today at (305) 912-0050 or through our contact form to explore how we can assist you on your reproductive journey.

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