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In Vitro Culture of Blastocysts

In vitro fertilization, which is also known as natural conception, occurs after the sperm penetrates the egg inside the tube. The fertilized egg (zygote) then divides, and its cells multiply into 2 cells, 4, 8, morula, and blastocyst. This is the final stage of embryonic development when the embryo reaches the uterus to implant itself in the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus).

The development of the fertilized egg to the blastocyst stage takes approximately five days and in cases of IVF, requires laboratory resources to occur. Until a few years ago, embryos were transferred to the uterus two or at most three days after egg retrieval. Although embryos at the blastocyst stage have a greater capacity for implantation (fixation in the uterus), culture methods to obtain blastocysts were inefficient and much more laborious.

Then, a new, more simplified culture system was formulated for the development of blastocysts, which achieved surprising pregnancy rates. The increase in these rates, on the other hand, would allow a smaller number of embryos to be transferred to the uterus with a consequent reduction in the incidence of multiple pregnancies. The culture of embryos up to the blastocyst stage has very important clinical implications.

One of them is the better selection of viable embryos since embryos with the capacity to reach the blastocyst stage and overcome the conditions imposed by culture in the laboratory have better performance and, therefore, better chances of implantation. As blastocysts are embryos with greater implantation capacity, it is possible to reduce the number of embryos transferred without reducing pregnancy rates.

Discover the Benefits of Chedid Grieco’s Advanced Fertility Solutions

At Chedid Grieco, our advanced blastocyst culture technique greatly improves your chances of successful IVF by enhancing embryo selection and implantation rates. For Miami patients, traveling to our renowned clinic in Brazil offers substantial cost savings, exceptional care, and additional travel perks.Explore how Chedid Grieco can make a difference in your fertility journey. Visit our fertility tourism page to learn more about our travel perks. Call us at 305-912-0050 or complete our online contact form to learn more about how we can help you achieve your dreams of parenthood.

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